It is with great pride and satisfaction that we announce that THEMA is joining to the international Organization RAPS – Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (

This is further proof of THEMA constant commitment in the project of growth and professionalization of its internal human resources, and in improving the services offered to its Customers.

THEMA becomes member of the international Organization RAPS - Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society
THEMA becomes member of the international Organization RAPS


RAPS – Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society is the biggest global Organization dedicated to regulatory professionals in the Healthcare field and related products such as Medical Devices, pharmaceuticals, organic and nutritional products.

RAPS, founded in 1976 in the United States, but also present in Europe and Asia, commits itself to actively support those who work in the regulatory field, presenting itself as a benchmark able of increasing competences and guiding good practices in order to promote public health.

Enterprise member of RAPS: a fantastic opportunity for Thema

Now, Thema, thanks to this important participation, will be even more able to: proactively address in the fastest and most effective way the evolution of regulatory competences globally required for the profession; ensure to its own professionals valuable and accessible learning and professional development experiences; and last but not least, give even more information on technical-regulatory developments about the regulation.

Thema will therefore provide the best in terms of updating and knowledge of regulatory disciplines on a global scale, in view of developing and offering always more effective and more innovative services to its customers.

If you want to receive more information on our strategic-regulatory consulting services dedicated to companies producing or distributing Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVD), nationally and internationally, contact our Customer Service at the email address